This morning I said goodbye to Kevin and Kelly, and birded the East Bay. My first stop was Sobrante Ridge, which was decently birdy with BUSHTIT, BROWN-BACKED CHICKADEE, OAK TITMOUSE, and lots of WESTERN SCRUB and STELLAR'S JAYS. I also got great looks at a CALIFORNIA THRASHER.
Next I went to Big Break, which is a new shorline park. According to Kevin, there have been WHITE-TAILED KITE there, but I didn't see them. I then headed to the Dow Industrail Wetland Preserve, which was kind of weird. I'm not sure that it's a wetland as much as a pond. I thought I saw a NUTALL'S WOODPECKER and a GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE which would be a bit out of range, but I could't confirm with myself either of them.
I tried to go to the Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge, but it is closed, only opening for docent led walks once a month. I got my oil changed and decided to make my way to Sacramento. I stopped in town at Southside Park to look for the YELLOW-BILLED MAGPIE, but no luck. Out of 52 species today, only that one thrasher was new for my list. I think I've beginning to hit a standstill with my coastal CA novelties.
Now I'm at Pangaea Cafe' enjoying a snack before heading to my couchsurfing hosts house here in Sacramento.
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