Saturday, October 10, 2009

A bird a day keeps the blue angels away.

Yesterday morning I drove to Muir Woods, which is a small patch of redwoods north of Sausalito. While the trees are undeniably insane, the place had a bad vibe. It was like walking in Times Square: crazy busy, loud, and people speaking a variety of languages. In some ways it was worse though, as everyone was staring up, bumping into each other.

I headed to Muir Beach, with Kevin's JEEP brand scope. It actually works pretty good, but it has a bunch of attachments that are meant for stargazing. Regardless, there were not any exciting birds there besides a RED-THROATED LOON.

Defeated bird-wise, on my way back, I stopped on the side of the road at a marsh, hoping for a bird for m'list. Luckily there was a pack of WILLET, in addition to BLACK-NECKED STILT, and a SAY'S PHOEBE.

Last night, Kevin, Kelly and I made some pasta and watched the Sox ruin themselves. Kelly and I planned out today.

This morning, Kelly and I went to Marin Headlands, which is the northern natural area of the Golden Gate Bridge. We stopped at Hawk Hill, but it was extremely cloudy. It was actually so cloudy that the Blue Angels canceled their air show that was supposed to be this afternoon. We then went to Rodeo Lagoon, and went for the couple mile hike around it, with nothing special showing itself. Kelly was tired and had some stuff to do, so I went on to Point Bonita to check out the avifauna. There were some far off cormorants, WESTERN GREBES, and a couple of BLACK OYSTERCATCHERS around there.

I then headed under the highway to Fort Baker. This was a little cove that could have housed some interesting ducks and grebes, but there were so many people around, waiting for their gashawks, scaring any potential for birdery.

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