Friday, November 13, 2009


Wednesday morning I joined the folks who do the weekly bird walk at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. We got a good show of raptors - RED-TAILED HAWK, NORTHERN HARRIER, PEREGRINE FALCON, and BALD EAGLE. All of these birds had interactions with each other, which were quite interesting to see. The first three of these species listed fought each other over a GREEN-WINGED TEAL that the RED-TAIL caught. One of the lighter RED-TAILS we were trying to turn into a ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK, but as it came to pass, it was not.

In the evening of Wednesday, and all day yesterday, I've just been having some down time at Clara and Devin's house. There have been no areas that I feel I have a good chance to see new birds at, and no rarities have popped up in the immediate area. I guess my car needs a little break and so do I. I did stop at Capitol Lake yesterday and inventoried the ducks, but no new species have arrived.

Last night, Clara gave me this present which could come in quite handy.

1 comment:

  1. Now we both have binocular shaped flasks. Rock on. So when will I be seeing you boy??
