This morning I went to the Dump Marsh in southern Dade. There were a good amount of birds there, including SAVANNAH SPARROW, BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD, MOTTLED DUCK, RED-SHOULDERED HAWK, and a dark morph SHORT-TAILED HAWK. I ran into a birder here named Rafael, who was heading up the Hialeah Christmas Bird Count, which he invited me to join him on. Rafael pointed me to where he had seen a GRASSHOPPER SPARROW, but I was unable to tease it out. On my way back to the car, I watched a PEREGRINE FALCON hunting from the electric lines.
I then checked out the nearby Cutler Wetland, but didn't see too much happening. The light is often difficult here, allowing me only to barely see some shorebirds (DUNLIN, DOWITCHER sp.), as well as NORTHERN HARRIER and GLOSSY IBIS.
When I got back to Rosana's house, her roommate Danny and his dog Willow were wating on the front stoop. I had locked them out, as they were on a walk when I left this morning. Eeeeeehr.
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