Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blackstone Valley

Thursday morning, I left Dan Kearney's house and headed to South Station. I met up with John and Matt for lunch there, and then walked the HarborWalk north for a couple miles, checking out the birds. I was hoping for a rare gull, but there were very few gull groupings. I did get to see RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, COMMON LOON, and RED-THROATED LOON along the wharfs.

I then took the commuter rail out to Newton, where my mom picked me up. Friday morning, I attempted to locate the SNOW BUNTING that were among the HORNED LARK flocks at the Worcester Airport. The HORNED LARKS were out and about, but no buntings. I was getting concerned at this point that they were becoming a bit of a nemesis bird.

Last night I had my final night in Worcester for awhile, so I had a few drinks with Dick and my mom, and talked the night away. This morning I tried to locate the SNOW BUNTING again. At the airport, there were two birders, seemingly waiting patiently for their target to arrive. There was a flock of 20-30 HORNED LARK in the parking lot, but they weren't too concerned about them. It seemed to me that among the larks were a number of juveniles. It turned out that they were not young'ins, but in fact the lifer SNOW BUNTING I had been looking for.

In the afternoon, Mom and Dick drove me half way to meet up with Eric, and then we headed to Newport, RI. Pretty soon after getting here, I borrowed Eric's Jeep and went to the Sachuest Point NWR about4 miles away from his house. It was mighty cold, but worth it. A good number of ducks, including SURF, WHITE-WINGED, and BLACK SCOTER, as well as RED-BREASTED MERGANSER and HARLEQUIN DUCK. I also got a fly-by of 2 GREAT CORMORANT, and a couple YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER which I thought would be souh at this time. I'm now back at the house, getting ready for my first day of official, above the table work since this big year started.

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