Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Thursday morning I did end up going to the Everglades to find my species of interest. I got to Hole in the Donut at about 6:30, and walked around as the sun was rising. KING RAIL could be heard all around, and a bunch of waders were finding there way to their feeding sites for the day. On the way out, an EASTERN SCREECH OWL was calling pretty close by. I checked out Long Pine Key, and saw a number of warblers, but no WESTERN SPINDALIS. Over at Lucky Hammock, I encountered some good activity, including the GRASSHOPPER SPARROW I was looking for previously. As it turned out, a birder had come across a LA SAGRA'S FLYCATCHER near Hole in the Donut about when I was there, but I didn't find out until later.

On Friday I cleaned like crazy, and picked Rosana up from her half-day. That night we hosted Eva and Emily for a major indoor ladder ball tournament.

Saturday morning, Eva and I headed to Virginia Key to participate in their annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC). It was a windy and cold, but excellent day of birding. Our count circle posted 70 species, with great birds of the day including NORTHERN GANNET, great looks at a close by BROWN BOOBY, and INDIGO BUNTING, to name a few. I also got to see a few good birding areas close to my soon to be home. After the count, Eva and I tried for the Kendall RED-WHISKERED BULBUL that she has yet to see, but her luck on this one continues for the worst. That night we all met up with Rosana's friend Emily at Titanic for dinner.

Sunday morning, Rosana, Eva, and I headed to the Everglades to try our luck at the missed LA SAGRA'S FLYCATCHER, but we didn't have any luck. However, just when we were about to call it, another birder gave a suttle point behind her. Rosana and I caught wat she was referencing- a huge Florida Panther about 30 feet away! Within a second, it darted out of the road, not to be seen again. There are less than 100 of these in the state, and thus the world. What an incredible experience! The three of us then headed to Lucky Hammock, and had a decent view of some warblers, as well as a SWAINSON'S HAWK and a CLIFF SWALLOW.

Rosana and I then headed to the Keys. We camped at Bahia Honda State Park near Marathon. It was still pretty windy and cool, but it as an incredible time. Quite different than when we went down there in May with The Eric Lantz, burning ourselves in the hot ocean water. On the way back from the Keys, we went record shopping to supplement the player I got Rosana for Christmas.

Last night Rosana's parents came into town and we played a lot of the records. Some of them they knew the words to when they were younger (The Eagles, Johnny Cash) without knowing the meaning of the words.

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